Activities and Adventure

Find out how our activities team can help you with unit activities

Our activities team can help you plan an adventure that your whole unit can enjoy

Get in touch with one of our advisors to find out how they can help you offer an adventure to the girls in your unit:


Gina Dudley-Griffths

Our music adviser can come in and run music sessions for your unit including African drumming sessions or advise you on what might work best for your unit.

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Rachael Dando and Jennifer Phillips

Our archery advisors can run sessions for unit meetings or holidays subject to suitability of the venue and availability. The cost to hire our archery advisory is; £30 for 12 girls for 1 hour, additional hour and girls are charged at £2 per girl, lost arrows £5 per arrow. For example a Brownie Pack of 24 would be £30 for the first hour with 12 girls, then £24 for the second hour with 12 girls.

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Our fencing advisor can run taster sessions for Brownies, Guides, Rangers and adults to give you an introduction to the art of fencing

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International Opportunities

Kate Sutton

Our International Opportunities Advisor promotes international opportunities available to girls and adults through Girlguiding and organises County selection weekends

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Jacky Dando

Our residential advisor supports volunteers who would like to gain their Going Away licence so they can offer their girls exciting residential opportunities 240109 Girlguiding Somerset North List of Approved Residential Venues

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Alice Kerly

Our walking advisor provides information on walking events and training in the area, and organises County walking events

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Alison Cannon

Our water advisor can help you plan a safe an exciting activity on the water – from sailing trips to narrow boating adventures

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