We help all girls know they can do anything
Girls in action

Milton Priory District Summer Party
Over 200 young people, bouncy castles, ice cream, obstacle courses, circus skills, hockey… and the most popular of all, sponge the Leader! What a fantastic Girlguiding summer party for Milton Priory District. It was great to see so many girls and leaders meet together for the first time, in true Guiding fun and spirit. From…

County Training Weekend – Guest Speaker
On 20th March, over 100 members of the county met online for a Welcome and Awards session to start off our weekend of trainings. We were delighted to have Kathryn Crosweller from the womenandgirls charity as our guest speaker. Kathryn gave a very informative talk on the work of this charity in India, with a…

Celebration cakes for Bath Rainbows
Celebration cakes were made for five Rainbows from 16th Bath (Walcot) unit who have gained Silver and Gold Rainbow section awards. This is a tremendous achievement given that half of their time as Rainbows has been during the Covid pandemic, meaning they have had mostly Zoom Rainbows and a few outdoor and indoor meetings in…

Guides Art Attack!
Girls from 18th Bath Guides have been creating large scale art works in lockdown. See aerial shots of their amazing efforts!
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